Your Long-Term Health: A (Financially) Valuable Investment

Joe DiSanto hit the nail on the head when he talked about how thinking about life as a Three-Act Structure can be detrimental to the quality of life that is lived.

We tend to look at the first part of life as the setup where we gather knowledge, equipping ourselves with the necessary tools for what’s to come. The second part is where we grind it out and work to build towards the life that we want. Lastly, we retire and die — anticlimactic, huh?

By looking at life like this, we leave out the part where we enjoy the metaphorical (or sometimes literal) fruits of our labor. Instead, we should then look at life as if there are four acts to experience, with the last act being the one where you start knocking stuff off your bucket list.

But for this to be possible, we need to start making some changes.

According to the World Population Review, the average life expectancy of the typical American is 79.772 years of age. Now, if we split that up into quarters, we’ll have around 20 years for each of the four acts. How do we get the most out of those four acts, you may ask?

Well, the answer is both simple and complicated: We have to invest in ourselves, and we have to invest in our health.

One of the first things we have to change is what we put in our body. And before you ask — no, this doesn’t mean eating bland food for the rest of our lives. It means being more mindful of the things that we consume.

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