You Need to Do Your Personal Bookkeeping

(Like a Business)…and You Hate It…Now What?!?

There just isn’t any way around it. No matter how you earn, invest, slice, dice and spend your money, one financial fundamental will hold true:

you have to do personal bookkeeping to achieve and maintain financial success. PERIOD.

Unfortunately, most people don’t understand all the ways they can invest in real estate or even the lingo that’s associated with the industry.

I assure you that you can’t “use your gut,” or tap your “spidey senses” when trying to accurately track your spending. The reason we have to do the “tedious” work of tracking our finances, is to glean the information we need from the results of this work.

What Kind of Information Do We Get From Personal Bookkeeping?

1) You actually know if you spent more money than you made in a given time period. This is what determines if you get to invest money for your future, or if your debt hole just got bigger.

What Kind of Information Do We Get From Personal Bookkeeping?

2) You can identify the areas of spending where you have the biggest overspending issues.

What Kind of Information Do We Get From Personal Bookkeeping? 

3) You can identify areas of spending that you thought were much less than they actually are.

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