YOUTUBE VIDEO: Unlock the Secrets of Financial Success with Quicken! (A How-to Guide)

YOUTUBE VIDEO: Unlock the Secrets of Financial Success with Quicken! (A How-to Guide)

There just isn’t any way around it. No matter how you earn, invest, slice, dice and spend your money, one financial fundamental will hold true: you must track your finances to achieve and maintain financial success. It’s the plain and simple truth.

Quicken is the best way to do this, in my opinion. It has the most features you can grow into as your financial picture gets more complicated. I've been using it for 20 years.

I use Quicken to manage all my bank accounts, credit cards, brokerage accounts, business accounts, customer invoicing, vendor payables, and real estate investments. I have it all in one place, so I think it's the best option.

Like all financial tracking software, quicken connects to nearly all banks to directly download transactions. It also memorizes how you categorize things and gets much “quicker” to use the more you use it.

I'm also tracking my crypto, but admittedly, that is a bit more of a manual endeavor. Quicken does not yet connect with Coinbase, Gemini, or any wallets or platforms (yet). So I have to manually enter my Crytpo transactions using a brokerage account. But it works really well. And I'm sure they are working on a direct download situation.

I actually offer free and paid courses, all about personal finances and mapping your way to financial freedom (of which personal bookkeeping plays a big part). You can learn more about those on the links below.

In the paid course, I include setup template files for Quicken so that you can avoid having to set up all the categories (in a good way). My category setup directly correlates to the budgets I provide in the course.