10 Best Examples of Money Well Spent

10 Best Examples of Money Well Spent

We all want to save money when possible, especially those who must or choose to live more frugally. But, on the flip side, some purchases are worth the expense for numerous reasons, whether long or short-term. On an online forum, the contributors discuss some prime examples of money well spent with no regrets.

A Pet

Woman with cat
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Talk to any pet owner, and they will tell you the immense joy their animals bring to their lives. The positives are immeasurable, even with the necessary money to care for them. Pets have also been known to lower stress levels, which is more than worth any money spent.

Comfortable Shoes

Woman wearing shoes
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I can personally attest to how much comfortable shoes mean in my daily life. Even if they end up being more expensive, if they are good quality and don't hurt your feet, it's worth that price. One person describes, “All of my shoes and sneakers [are] orthopedic and cost 140-150 dollars. But now I can walk or stand for eight hours easily.”

A Good Mattress

Woman on mattress
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A quality mattress is another perfect example of an expense worth the extra money spent. A good night's sleep is invaluable, and a comfortable bed will contribute to your rest considerably. One person says they donate their old ones to their local women's shelter whenever they purchase a new mattress. Talk about a mutually beneficial act.


Woman wearing braces
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

As someone who wore braces for six years in their youth, I know that, while expensive, braces are exceptionally positive. If you can spend the money, braces can help your teeth physically and mentally. A happy braces wearer asserts, “Getting braces for my crooked teeth [was the] best money ever spent [and] improved my quality of living.” When I got my braces off, I finally felt like smiling all the time.

Marriage License

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It is sweet how many contributors spoke of their marriage licenses and their non-existent regrets. These are not expensive, but what you get in return cannot be measured if you choose the right person. The small price of a license and selecting the right partner are much more beneficial than choosing the wrong person and getting an expensive device.

Makeup and Skincare

make up
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Whether you purchase drugstore or expensive brands, makeup and skincare can do wonders for people. Makeup is meant to be fun and accentuate your natural beauty and can contribute to positive self-esteem. Beyond the beauty benefits, skincare can be healthful in many ways. You live with your skin forever. Why not take care of it?

Good Food

woman eating at restaurant
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Some people enjoy the simple things in life, like enjoying a good meal. Cheap or expensive, if it's delicious, you will likely always feel your money was spent on something necessary and enjoyable.


Woman traveler sight seeing
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Although opinions on whether vacations are worth it, many always believe it's worth spending the money on experiences. No matter the destination, you can't put a price tag on the memories a vacation can create. Any price will feel worth it if you go in with realistic expectations.

Professional Movers

Young couple moving house
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Moving is rarely a fun experience. It can be very stressful and tiring. But hiring professional movers can alleviate most, if not all of that anxiety. In the end, that cost is worth it.


wedding photographer
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Weddings, parties, and other special events can be costly. While there are ways to save money, one thing that should not be downgraded is a professional photographer. Décor, flowers, and food are essential, but they can only be enjoyed on the day. Your photos will last forever in the albums you will want to look at frequently and frames that grace your home.

This is our list of the best examples of money well spent, as shared by people. What would you add to this list?

This thread inspired this post.