10 of the Scariest Theories That Not Enough People Are Talking About

10 of the Scariest Theories That Not Enough People Are Talking About

Theories about existence or existence itself are incredibly mind-blowing. But amid its awe-inspiring splendor, there's an underbelly of terror, especially when you go down the rabbit hole of possibilities regarding life, existence, extraterrestrials, etc. Since I can't be the only one unable to close my eyes tonight—I still think about that quote about looking too long into the abyss—here are some alarming and scariest theories from an online forum for raising the hair on your neck.

Don't Think It

Woman shocked with hands on mouth.
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Roko's Basilisk theory is a thought experiment that surmises a vengeful future artificial intelligence. To explain, as Artificial Intelligence grows, it will, in time, produce an omnipotent artificial intelligence.

This entity then punishes everyone who did not help it come into existence. If this sounds mind-blowing, think about The Terminator sent back in time to wreak havoc. Except this torture is the prison of the mind, where you suffer endlessly. Sounds a bit chillier, doesn't it? Bloody Mary game, anyone?

We're All Locked Up

Woman shocked on seeing mobile
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This theory is kin to others, including Roko's Basilisk. In this theory, humans are not from Earth. We were sent here as punishment. People who talk about this theory argue its plausibility using our backs. We get backaches on Earth because we are used to a planet with lesser gravity. France sent criminals to the U.S. as punishment. Wonder where they got it from?

I Survived?

Woman surprised
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In Quantum Theory, an aspect posits consciousness transfers elsewhere. However, in those “close calls” where you thought you survived, you moved to another universe or dimension where you did.

For evidence, they employ the Mandela Effect. An example is “Luke, I am your father” versus “No, I am your father” from Star Wars. The group that remembers, “Luke, I am your father,” passed away, and their consciousness transferred to another universe where the dialogue was, “No, I am your father.”

They're Just Like Us

Woman with hands on mouth
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The Dark Forest Theory answers the Fermi Paradox. The Fermi Paradox points out how odd it is that, given the likelihood of alien life in the vastness of the universe, we have no definitive evidence.

The Dark Forest Theory comes from a science fiction book and states that all life wants to stay alive. As such, since alien life cannot be sure whether humans pose a threat, the only option is to eradicate us or hide. They chose the latter…for now.

We're in a Simulation

Shocked woman saying o
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Many have heard of the simulation theory. It's the theory that we all live in a version of The Matrix. One person explains further that heaven is “outside the simulation,” and hell is where we go to “debug.”

However, if we are in a simulation, there's no proof that the beings who created it are not in one themselves, making an inescapable “cascading roll of simulations.” If you think about the varying level of intelligence with life on Earth, it's plausible something else more advanced exists beyond us and what's above us, and so on, especially if you look at us creating artificial intelligence and simulations.

More Than We Know

scared peaking behind hands
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Another commenter relayed a theory that estimates that the amount of current serial killers in the United States is “over 2,000.” They add that the famous serial killers we know “are ultimately failed serial killers” because they got caught. Both are haunting and terrifying no matter what part of the country you reside in.

It Ends in a Blink

shocked woman stunned wow
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False vacuum theory depends on our universe's state in a true vacuum—a stable universe, or a false vacuum—a less-than-stable universe. If we are in the former, we are good.

But if we are in the latter, and our universe “shifts states,” a “bubble of true vacuum” could crop up, eradicating everything as it enlarges. That would end the solar system and planets, including ours, in a flash. Some others claim it could have already started, but we don't know it yet.

Molecular Level Critters

Woman scared with hands on mouth
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If you saw the remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still, this one may be less frightening, given the movie's poor reception. The gray goo theorizes the possibility of nanobot technology devouring everything. But if little nanobots can self-replicate, what's to stop them from repeating the process over and over again until nothing remains? I don't want to imagine tiny creatures so small I cannot see them eating me alive.

Looking Human

Scared and shouting woman
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Another terrifying one that gets scarier the more you think about it, is a theory for the Uncanny Valley. Uncanny Valley looks at how people experience aversion toward things that look humanlike but are not human. Examples of this would be certain robots nowadays.

What's frightening is it's theorized that this response is an “evolutionary holdover” from our past as a beneficial trait. Meaning sometime in our history, we encountered something that looked human but wasn't and paid a heavy price, and that lesson was passed down, hence our terror now. If that is true, all I can wonder is what happened that was so horrifying that future generations still reel from it.

They're Coming to Get You

Scared Woman in sofa biting nails.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Less a theory and more a possibility in some form. As climate change happens, more locations covered in frost and ice thaw. As someone shares, what keeps them up at night is the idea that an “ancient zombie virus,” that humans have no immunity to, exists.

Some past specials have said that though a widespread zombie virus is unlikely, it is still possible. Mainly if easily transmitted, akin to something like 28 Days Later. Plus, let's also remember how dangerous it is for civilizations exposed to viruses they never experienced and some people's dubious nature and lack of care during COVID. So a zombie plague carries a heavier weight.

This thread inspired this post.